Terrey Hills
Long-day Preschool & Junior Program
1300 697 737
1300 697 737
How we are different
Remember when the inquisitive nature of your child became a pressing need for them to try and understand everything, right away? Here at Thinkers.inq we don’t ever want that curiosity to disappear. Everything we do is driven by our vision – educére (the latin term for education); to draw out and lead forth. We believe in fostering curiosity to not only encourage inquirers but to develop thinkers with wellbeing dispositions such as empathy, gratitude, self regulation and agency. We are all about creating a wellbeing community who support the natural inclination of young, curious minds to inquire about the world around them. Together, it’s possible

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Thinkers.inq is a place where ideas are valued as part of the journey, not only to reach a destination. A place where thoughts can be captured, explored and developed in a way that helps identify and develop the potential that every child has within them.
This is the process of creative and critical thinking and it underpins everything we teach and do together.
Learning how to think this way from a young age helps support the future learning and success of every child.
All ideas and learning at Thinkers.inq follow creative and critical thinking practices, to develop inquisitive and effective problem solving. One of the tools we will be using to inspire this process will be various forms of interactive technology, such as iPads and iTouches. These tools will be used in such a way to deepen and stretch our imaginations and facilitate purpose filled play. Consequently ‘screen time’ will empower learning and develop potential opportunities for growth and not detract from it.
At Thinkers.inq, we help guide young minds through:
> creative and critical thinking skills
> excellent reciprocal problem-solving habits
> confidence to explore concepts and ideas

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Play allows us to enjoy and become immersed in the moment. Play is a time when our minds and bodies lose track of time and inhibitions, allowing new ideas and thinking to be explored in an unbridled way. Play is more about the process and less about the end result.
Purposeful play allows us to develop our communication skills, empathy persistence, self-regulation and reciprocated relationship building, to explore new ideas, develop thinking and be curious.
For this reason, Thinkers.inq believes in play with purpose.
We see children as capable individuals, rather than people under construction. We believe that play should be deliberate, always creative and curious to welcome and inspire new ideas.
Play with Purpose is about bringing children and educators together in an environment that celebrates wellbeing. Play with Purpose is all about fun, joy, anticipation, strength, capacity-building and poise to help them discover new things about themselves and the world around them.
Our educators are focused on identifying opportunities for ideas that can be investigated in a deeper way through play with purpose. They explore and apply, whole brain thinking, both the creative and the analytical, wherever it has a place within play, to ensure a complete, holistic approach to learning.
Watch a short overview of what play with purpose means to children and families at Thinkers.inq.

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A question that crosses the minds of many parents with young children; does literacy and numeracy matter in an early education space?
We believe it does. Here’s why:
> Research tells us the years between birth and five are the most transformational time in a human being’s life.
> Exposure to emergent literacy and numeracy empowers the transition for children entering their first year of school.
> Exploring emergent literacy and numeracy creates a life-long love for all things creative and analytical in a safe and dynamic play environment.
> Literacy is vitally important as it allows numeracy to find its place within thinking and learning.
Our question is: what are early learning spaces doing to support this development?
At Thinkers.inq our fundamental task is to draw out and lead forth, from the most impressionable years and beyond.
Every child leaves Thinkers.inq with a deep level of familiarity and appropriate application of numeracy and literacy skills. The key ideas behind this are:
> All children need to experience purposeful exploration of emergent literacy and numeracy skill development to access life in full.
> This exploration occurs through purposeful play so that wellbeing is at the heart of the experience
> The purpose of this strategy is to empower children transitioning into life
How we are different
Remember when the inquisitive nature of your child became a pressing need for them to try and understand everything, right away?
Here at Thinkers.inq we don’t ever want that curiosity to disappear. Everything we do is driven by our vision – educére (the latin term for education); to draw out and lead forth. We believe in fostering curiosity to not only encourage inquirers but to develop thinkers with wellbeing dispositions such as empathy, gratitude, self regulation and agency. We are all about creating a wellbeing community who support the natural inclination of young, curious minds to inquire about the world around them. Together, it’s possible

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Wellbeing begins with a sense of place. When wellbeing is deeply experienced a person might use the words, ‘I feel at home here’ or ‘it’s just like family ’. A sense of place allows our body, mind and soul to relax and look outwards to explore. As this happens so our capacity to play, learn, grow and change is deeply impacted. This sense of wellbeing is at the heart of Thinkers.inq. Young learners will find their sense of being assured and secured, which in turn will promote their potentiality in becoming who they are. The ultimate aim for learners is for him or her to long to be in their space as part of our learning family.

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Play allows us to enjoy and become immersed in the moment. Play is a time when our minds and bodies lose track of time and inhibitions, allowing new ideas and thinking to be explored in an unbridled way. Play is more about the process and less about the end result.
Purposeful play allows us to develop our communication skills, empathy persistence, self-regulation and reciprocated relationship building, to explore new ideas, develop thinking and be curious.
For this reason, Thinkers.inq believes in play with purpose.
We see children as capable individuals, rather than people under construction. We believe that play should be deliberate, always creative and curious to welcome and inspire new ideas.
Play with Purpose is about bringing children and educators together in an environment that celebrates wellbeing. Play with Purpose is all about fun, joy, anticipation, strength, capacity-building and poise to help them discover new things about themselves and the world around them.
Our educators are focused on identifying opportunities for ideas that can be investigated in a deeper way through play with purpose. They explore and apply, whole brain thinking, both the creative and the analytical, wherever it has a place within play, to ensure a complete, holistic approach to learning.

To discuss how we can help Contact us
The calibre of the staff was next on our radar. Any organisation wanting to make a sizable difference would only consider hiring ‘just the right person’ for the job. So we needed to have at the heart of our organisation outstanding staff that are in constant professional and personal development and who model and highly value the notion of lifelong learning. This must begin with their current professional knowledge and qualifications and is then complimented with coaching from industry experts and mentoring by international thinkers. Finally, these outstanding learning leaders must be paid significantly above the current industry standard to attract and retain them.

Our menus are designed by Alexx Stuart from Real Food Movement. Check them out
We will never grow as fast as we do the first five years of our life! It stands to reason that we echo this incredible developmental stage with the best nourishment possible, supporting our children’s growth – mind and body – with deep nutrition. Thinkers.inq food will:
> always be ‘nasties free’ – no numbers, no artificial colouring, no preservatives, sulphites or msg
> always be balanced and provide steady energy
> always be nutritionist approved
> always be made with fresh ingredients
> always be low sugar, making use of natural sweetness of fruits – nature’s lollies!
> be organic where possible, including meats
Our food program will be one that supports our children in both mind and body, giving them slow burning steady fuel snacks. Everyday children will enjoy hearty deliciousness at lunch time and special “real food” treats. At every turn the ingredients used serve to nourish and build robust health and enhance their being, becoming and belonging.
We also understand the high level of food intolerances today and have created menus to support these needs.